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作者:Sofia M.11年级
永不屈服, 永不屈服, 从来没有, 从来没有, 从来没有, 从不——在任何事情中, 大或小, large or petty 永不屈服 except to convictions of honour and good sense. ——温斯顿·丘吉尔(1941)

This is the quote my grandma reminded me of after a bad day when I felt like the whole world was over. “永远不要屈服,永远,永远,永远!” Winston Churchill said that as part of a speech he gave during war, she told me.
These three words clicked in my head and repeated on and on in the afternoon. 我不知道那是什么意思. 在什么情况下? 我想,这并不适用于我. But these three words kept resonating in my head and finally I understood. 永不屈服! 它意味着无论你做什么,都要努力去做, 在生活的任何方面, 只要在这个过程中努力, 把艰苦的工作投入其中. 坚持你所能想象的最好的结果. Look forward to the person you want all this hard work to turn you into. 坚持到底是什么意思? 很明显:努力工作.
However, it is not only the hard work when things are straightforward. It is being willing to work hard and work harder when things get complicated, 尽管有障碍,也要下定决心完成这项工作. Be so determined that when things don’t work out, you endure, and find a way. 坚持,坚持你的价值观和目标. 即使在逆境中, 紧紧抓住他们, believe in them so strongly that they become your grip to carry you on your path.
雄心壮志. Have ambition to not only attain your goals but to improve them and improve yourself, 相信最终目的地和你自己的更好的版本.
But let’s not forget about the other thing Churchill said: “永不屈服 except for convictions of honour and good sense.这意味着要谦虚. 不要让骄傲和权力冲昏了头脑. Despite the success achieved, always remember where you come from and where you started. 给善良的理智和善行留点空间.
俗话说得好, “They may forget what you said but remember how you made them feel,” what I want you to take away is not to remember every single word I just said. But I hopefully have lit a little sparkle in you, given you another reason to keep going. 因为在我人生中第一次听到这句话的时候, I thought the obstacles I confronted were greater than my abilities. 事实并非如此,这只是一个不屈服的问题.
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